The Good:
Meeting everyone again .. year long wait. Worth the wait!
Lots of gaming done
Pro at CS GO now :D
Rock band ftw
My favourite pizza now available!!!
Enjoying a pint in brewdog bar!
The BreachLAN epic rap battle :D Libby the legend
The Bad:
Not enough booze or fizzy juice.
Wish I could make November.... I'm hoping once my daughter a little older I can atleast make 2 LAN a year.. was a great laugh for sure. See you all next year lol
Was good to get back to breachlan it had been awhile. Enjoyed myself.
--- The Good ---
Rock band ftw! Epic as usual and the whole setup with the lights and all is amazing!
CS GO, Cod 4 was fun
Correct pizza this time :)
--- The Bad ---
Only problems I had was the spacing between the tables...
Good -
Great returning after a long year and seeing old and new faces.
UT3 was a great change!
The Pizza apart from some missing items lol
The new disco lighting system was very smart and the hall looking well posh now :)
Bad -
Maybe abit more team games or big games on the go during the...
More information
I have setup a group page on Facebook where I have been organising it with everyone..
If your interested in coming I shall add you to the group :)
Hi Guys .. Yes it's ScotKart in Dundee .. go karting is amazing fun... were looking to do the full Grand Prix .. so 1st 2nd and 3rd winners
Pricing is £47 for to take part in the grand Prix
Here is a short video of the track... think of it Mario Kart in real life lol
Hey guys as some of you may know I'm getting married in September .
I'm organising my stag do and wondering if anyone from breach would be interested in the go-karting in Dundee
after the go karts were going for a cheap buffet meal then hitting the town for drinks.. so if you wanted to make a...
Been waiting for this for so long.. who is up for it???
- 750 Person BYOC Insomnia LAN
- 3 Days Expo
- Features & Zone: Minecraft, Fifa, Indie Games,
- Main Stage
- eSports Tournaments
Hey folk i have not been around for a few lans but looking forward to coming back and meeting you all again.
The lan is my weekend home of happyness lol.
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