Recent content by Knottyboy

  1. K

    LAN Timetabable

    LAN Timetabable :D
  2. K

    Bye Bye

    Not sure what this means Dod, no longer staff or never to be seen again? I remember when I first saw you at the lan, me and Daniel knew you from Slains, we all said "what the hell are you doing here" :D
  3. K

    Sunday Night Poker

    I'm in!
  4. K


    Loved it
  5. K

    Rocket League

    This game is so much fun
  6. K

    Rocket League

    You can get a free copy if you preorder the steam controller too
  7. K

    Youtube Greats

  8. K

    Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void - LAN TOURNAMENT

    Knotty - Gold apparently...
  9. K

    Food Orders @ BL 35

    Love some Dominos cookies
  10. K

    Friday 11th September // CSGO Night

    Hopefully be level 3 by tomorrow night so I will join if I can :happysun:
  11. K

    CS:GO Casual / Competitive (Need Rank 3) 5/9/15

    I wouldn't mind joining in but don't think I'd make it to level 3 in time!
  12. K

    New Rainbow 6 Interactive Trailer

    I haven't played this since Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow on the xbox
  13. K

    Let's get this party started

    I might be able to get one :happysun:
  14. K

    Happy Birthday BLOODNOK

    'appy birthday!
  15. K

    Mortal Kombat X Tournament

    I am rubbish but okay :D
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