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  1. K

    ISP Advice

    Moving next Monday and I need to get an internet connection sorted. Flat is in the city centre so I'll be accessing the Denburn exchange; it says on BT's website that it is already upgraded for BT Infinity but it's not available for my building.
  2. K

    Game(s) Borderlands 2 £22.50

    Bought a copy for PC last night (Y)
  3. K

    Game(s) Borderlands 2 £22.50

    Not sure if I'm gonna get this on the console or PC yet, whos planning on buying it?
  4. K


    I bet you'd be right
  5. K

    While cable shopping this morning

    Oh i see, hilarious.
  6. K

    While cable shopping this morning

    I appear to be missing something
  7. K

    Why hello there

    Thought it sounded familiar! It would be 4 hours if you obeyed the speed limit... just sayin... :P
  8. K

    Why hello there

    Welcome along! By any chance, did MicroPlay used to be near the Euro Hostel? I went down there for a gig a few years ago and we had a few hours to kill, so we went to this internet cafe and played CoD4 for hours haha. Can't remember the name, microplay sounds familiar though.
  9. K

    BreachLAN #22 Game Nominations

    I'll start my own chair jousting event! With blackjack! And hookers! Infact forget the chair jousting and the blackjack! Ah screw the whole thing
  10. K

    One week left on the early bird

    I will be paying on the very last hour its available as usual :)
  11. K

    Youtube Greats

  12. K

    Dark Knight Rises

    Is that Bane or everyone? I had no idea what Bane was saying half the time. Tallyhoe, Batman!
  13. K

    Games for next BL?

    More FPS than RTS i think, but Starcraft 2 Company of Heros and Dawn of War are often played. Sins of a solar empire...
  14. K

    Dark Knight Rises

    Id recommend going to vue because both cineworlds suck balls
  15. K

    Games for next BL?

    What Dex said and CS: Source definitely. Killing floor, dirt, company of heroes are often played but limited players per game
  16. K

    Game nights Here you go!
  17. K

    Game nights

    Im in
  18. K

    Our biggest win yet!

    £45! That and all the tenners we've won just keeps replenishing our accounts until the big win :D
  19. K

    Moose !

    Surely they're just stickers you can peel off?
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