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  1. NiceGuy


    Well it's that time of year again where I beg for a lift to iseries haha any of you lads going and have a spare seat? much appreciated as always, thanks.
  2. NiceGuy

    i38 Thread

    Where did the i38 thread go? Anyway, Gemini I have tried to phone you a few times but I'm guessing your offshore. I was hoping to just confirm one final time that I can get a lift with you before I buy my ticket :D Waiting on your reply///
  3. NiceGuy

    i37 7th-20th August

    Is there going to be another organized BreachLAN journey to i37 in August?? I'd really like to go again!! I hear the tickets are nearly sold out :/
  4. NiceGuy

    Starcraf2 Battle Report

    I've had this pre-ordered for ages now, and I've been looking forward to it for as long as i can remember.
  5. NiceGuy

    The Steam Holiday sale!

    There is a 10-75 % discount on everything in Steam until January 2nd
  6. NiceGuy

    Hey Look What I Found!

    Some familiar faces in this video: A young prism i see!! lol! "I went to AberdeenLAN in January it was not bad" "how did that compare to this?" "it was pish" hahaha
  7. NiceGuy

    Shameless self promotion

    Hey everyone, sorry if there are rules on this, but i looked, and could not see any. I have been working on a new website. A gaming community infact. You are all very welcome to come and register and take part in the discussion. Game reviews are written by our members and put up on the...
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