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  1. Kadeshi

    Planetary Annihilation

    Anyone playing this currently? I bought the beta and was wondering if anyone local played?
  2. Kadeshi


    Hi guys! :D Newb question of the week. :P I noticed in the FAQ about security. How vigilant should I be? Do you guys bolt your PC's to the tables or something equally as worrying?
  3. Kadeshi

    Games for next BL?

    Hi all, long time no type and all that... My brother and I were wondering what would be the best, say 4, games to have/buy for the next breachLan? Been a while since I bought any new games but I wanted to check all the same.
  4. Kadeshi


    Hi guys, not sure if this belongs here but here goes. Ever thought of advertising for Breachlan? What methods can you think of? I personally thought of flyers around schools n things. Not sure if age groups would be an issue though..
  5. Kadeshi

    LAN Cafe

    Why are there no LAN cafe's in Aberdeen and what happened to cafe-LAN?
  6. Kadeshi

    Ethernet hub help

    Howdy! i was wondering if 100baset is gona be enough speed for a decent 16 port hub, to keep it future proof. Or should i consider 1000baset
  7. Kadeshi

    LANbox computer

    Hi guys, I've been thinking of this idea for a long while and was wondering what the gamer communities opinion would be on it. If i was to make a small desktop LANbox style game computer. Would it be practical in terms of cost and performance. I understand that if the parts fit its ok and all...
  8. Kadeshi

    Hello to all!

    Hello to all! I'm a newbie here and jsut wanted to say hi, i didn't even know there was such a thing as mass LAN parties untill i found you all while surfing the web! As sad as this is whenever there is another even comming to or near Aberdeen i may be able to drag a few friends along with at...
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