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  1. NiceGuy


  2. NiceGuy


    Well it's that time of year again where I beg for a lift to iseries haha any of you lads going and have a spare seat? much appreciated as always, thanks.
  3. NiceGuy

    I'm going to i42

    would buy you a beer dex but can't go without a lift back, anyone else going i42 that could give me a lift back?
  4. NiceGuy

    I'm going to i42

    oh right, well never mind then. Thank you anyway :) x
  5. NiceGuy

    I'm going to i42

    Yo dex! Could I go down with you? Will contribute petrol money of course :D Get back to me cheers!
  6. NiceGuy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    hehe some great photos you got guys :) and of course keeping up with tradition a picture of me catching some Z'z in the back seat =D Thanks again to everyone, especially the drivers! I had a totally awesome time! Managed to reach a personal goal of mine to place top10 at iseries for CSS. I...
  7. NiceGuy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    hey gemini is there space for me again? :D
  8. NiceGuy

    i38 Thread

    Awesome! Thanks so much Gemini! I have bought my ticket now + EAS. I live in a village called Kemnay. I could ask my father to give me a lift to anywhere more convenient for example bridge of don (is that where you stay?) Also could you please email me the i-series budget write ups you did...
  9. NiceGuy

    i38 Thread

    Where did the i38 thread go? Anyway, Gemini I have tried to phone you a few times but I'm guessing your offshore. I was hoping to just confirm one final time that I can get a lift with you before I buy my ticket :D Waiting on your reply///
  10. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    So is it safe to buy my ticket? Can i go with you guys?
  11. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    That would be GREAT!! Thank you!!!!!
  12. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    can i please come down you with you guys again this time?? I know i cant be in the breachLAN team for the tournaments but i can have fun regardless..and still help with spreading the overall costs :D Please can i come!!? Need to know so i can book early bird :D
  13. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    Its the competitve CSS team tournament im interested in. It's a quite a scene. Anyone can take me down again? <3 <3
  14. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    is there any space for me again?? I'm dying to go LAN again!
  15. NiceGuy

    i37 7th-20th August

    gemini what about getting down their can i hitch a ride?? Or are you also flying :/
  16. NiceGuy

    i37 7th-20th August

    Is there going to be another organized BreachLAN journey to i37 in August?? I'd really like to go again!! I hear the tickets are nearly sold out :/
  17. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i36

    Hey did you ever finish that video of our journey???
  18. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i36

    Here are some pictures of me, mates and my team: Me: My team minus the leader (Arky went to bed): Me and my mate from the internet, Hummingman: Me and online mates:
  19. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i36

    We all got home safe :) We all had a great time too! Thanks again to gemini for organizing this, and big thaks to Dangerous Dave for driving also! Thanks all! If anyone is interested my counterstrike source team did very well, here are the final standings: Top 94 1. Reason Gaming...
  20. NiceGuy

    Hanger access / Corp Roles

    point taken :P
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