Search results

  1. .AC.

    BreachLAN Games Timetable

    And which Jackbox Pack should i be buying? i have none.
  2. .AC.

    BreachLAN Games Timetable

    I'm guessing Siege is Rainbow 6: Siege. Not the card game? Just want to be sure before I go on a supermarket sweep on the steam sale.
  3. .AC.

    Happy Birthday Bloodnok

    Happy Birthday! :)
  4. .AC.

    BreachLAN #46 - Information Thread

    and provided I can get the Friday (and thursday) off....
  5. .AC.

    Teamspeak 3 or Mumble?

    What are the reasons people want to change to Teamspeak 3?
  6. .AC.

    New addition to the BreachLAN Family

    Congrats buddy! I Wish you all well (and some sleep).
  7. .AC.

    Death of the lan ?

    I think only when people stop wanting to see each other in person or when more people find less free time on their hands will LAN parties ever die. The author of that article claims that CSGO is the last he's played, but there a fair amount of modern or enjoyable lan games to play, and that's...
  8. .AC.

    Games night the return

    I picked the day to get drunk :(
  9. .AC.

    Player 3 has entered the game....... Finally!

    Congrats to the both of you! I hope you've recovered from what I'm sure was a nerve wracking and exhausting week or two. Also, Finnley is an awesome name.
  10. .AC.

    1st BreachLAN Games night

    I sorry. :( Great playing with you guys again :)
  11. .AC.

    1st BreachLAN Games night

    i have the week off, i'll be longer than you thought :D
  12. .AC.

    Where are all the photos at?

  13. .AC.

    Games Night

    I'll be up for anything, but will need to be in bed by 11pm :cool:. So might be restricted to the drop in and out type of games like TF2/cs:go. Or there's always the option for organised chaos on Planetside 2 where everyone can be on the same team. I don't know who this "Amesy" guy is, but...
  14. .AC.

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    Souls Destroyed. Records broken. Sleep Lost. But a happy AC.
  15. .AC.


    If no one claims it in a fair while, could I have it please? I would rather it go to someone that plays with BreachLAN more frequently.
  16. .AC.


    I regret not getting this in the steam sale :(.
  17. .AC.

    Website upgrade

    I've decided to start using tapatalk since the forum asked me to, dang I've been missing out.. this app is pretty good.. Shame it doesn't have the same breachlan web design to it :( Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  18. .AC.

    CS:GO Tournament Results

    I am really, really sorry for not turning up. It doesn't help when something gets organised and there's people like me pissing about and being all forgetful. I'm glad on this occasion there was enough people to have what looks like a decent event. No excuse and without a word.
  19. .AC.

    Happy birthday Flukes!

    Happy debated birthday!
  20. .AC.

    Website upgrade

    Is the site update complete? Looks very nice on desktop, but not all links and images render on my mobile browser (looks like it's trying to load the full desktop version).
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