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  1. Robskiwarrior

    BreachLAN #25 Checklist

    Ok so this is my first, I know there is gonna be some gaming going on - but what things are recommended to bring. What kind of facilities do we have there for food making etc or do I just need to get a shit tonne of snackage. So far I have PC + Peripherals Extention Lead Network Cable Plate...
  2. Robskiwarrior

    Hawken Beta Keys!!11!!11

    We have a load of keys to give away (they gave us 50) That is all :D
  3. Robskiwarrior

    Moving update...

    We are in! Still fighting some little kinks like not having hot water yet, but that will be sorted tomorrow hopefully - oh and the radiators don't work upstairs yet... Robskiwarrior + family are now in Scotland :)
  4. Robskiwarrior

    This is the day...

    Sorry I can't make it but have a great time :D
  5. Robskiwarrior

    BreachLAN does it Mechwarrior Style...

    I don't need to say anything else... expect match 2 appearing soon....
  6. Robskiwarrior


    Hi Guys, I'm Rob. Known Dex for a good few years now, for my sins, so that's how I know about the LAN etc :) Hopefully getting to a Breach soon ish - I currently live in Salford, but will be moving to the coast near Elgin in the next month or two. I'm 31, work from home web dev...
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