Another LAN over :)

Deep Blue

Staff member
Hey guys

Hope you had a good time at BreachLAN 16! Now that we've all had a chance to recover, I'd like to thank you all for making the extra bit of effort to journey out to our new venue. I'd love to hear what you thought of the place and feedback to enable us to throw an even better party at BreachLAN 17. Please post your feedback on the lan here

On another note, someone has accidentally taken my air bed pump, I had the red, double inflatable "ready bed" in the corner of the main hall. Please can this be returned to me? Thanks!

Secondly whoever helped themselves to the Gatecrasher.... that was my pizza and in the future if you didn't buy it, don't touch it!

Hope to see all of you again at Breach 17 and from all the Staff, we hope you had a great LAN!




New Member
In the words of SHAGGY.... It Wasn't Me... I must confess to popping the lid a couple of times to see how the awesome beast was doing when I passed by, But eat your Pizza Sir... "no not I"


Well-Known Member
Has anyone come across a plug with a usb dongle and micro usb cable? As I need it to charge my phone at night...
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