ashvale order at BL#24


thanks everyone who placed an order for the chipper run on the sunday.
ashvale were very impressed with the size of the order and are keen for us to keep using them at our events.

could everyone who placed and order please provide me with some feedback e.g how the food was, is the order form alright etc etc.

Thanks for your time and input and hope to see you all at the next event

George Rogers (dod)


Active Member
Food was awesome. Was a little confused when ordering as to whether or not I needed to specify that I wanted chips with my order - the menu listed prices with chips, but didn't want to risk it so I specified anyway.


thanks for the feed back guys i pleased to announce that we will be continueing the ashvale order on future lans.

ashvale were very pleased with the order that we were able to give them and are looking forward to the next event.

the food orders will be available soon for the next event.

When you place an order the price on the menu includes chips. salt and vinegar is not added to your meal but will be available.
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