Bad Company 2 - what do you think?

Deep Blue

Staff member
Great game, alot of fun but it's a real shame that the unranked server files are not available for download. This makes DICE's trust of PC Gamers only marginally higher than those of IW and the latest CoD!

It's also a real shame that game is in bad need of some optimisation, if I can't run the game maxed out due to laggy fog effects then I'd hate to see someone running the minimum spec! :eek:


Active Member
WOW Dex, if your PC can't run it, is there hope for anyone? I haven't played it yet but i hear good things from people who have. I hear it's not a jokey as the first though. What say you to this?


New Member
I haven't played it online, but the Single Player is a ton of fun. Got to the Triangulation Mission in the desert - the three research posts one with the buggy.

I do understand the fog problem - but it's entirely different for me. There's so much of the fog or smoke effect that I can't see who to shoot most of the time. Running it with a ATi 4730x2, a Q6600 processor and 4GB RAM.

It runs smooth, but there are glitches still. My sound went for a while, then shortly after the game froze and crashed. Characters pop out of nowhere sometimes and textures aren't always joining up correctly. Hopefully the next patch will sort that out.


Well-Known Member
The fog/smoke/random crap is really annoying and there's not much in the way of video options to customize things. Only played single player so far and it doesn't feel finished for some reason.

Deep Blue

Staff member
I'm running a 5850 @ 933mhz core 1250mhz memory with a Phenom II 965 @ 3.8ghz with a 1920*1200 screen rez and even with low effects detail I'm getting horrid lag with the fog and smoke, and yeah I know what you mean with it being hard to see people through it!

I also enabled vsync yet i'm still getting terrible image tearing which only happens in BC2....


New Member
im playing it on the xbox and i love it, didnt particulary like the single player and disappointed that it doesnt have co-op despite having a squad of 4


Well-Known Member
The squad function is pointless I think. Half the time when I turn around they aren't there then suddenly they just appear out of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Just to let you guys know that the new patch removes SecuROM from Steam versions of the game (now £29.99, £5 less than last week...)


But there may still have connection issues


Well-Known Member
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam coming Winter 2010

On stage at the EA E3 press conference we announced a new expansion of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 with a new take on a Battlefield franchise favourite, Vietnam. In Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam you get to enter the jungle warfare environment as either the U.S. Marines or North Vietnamese Army (NVA). The expansion pack contains 4 brand new maps built in Frostbite including the popular Conquest and Rush game modes as well as Vietnam specific weapons, vehicles, persistence, unlocks as well as new awards, achievements and trophies.

Yes, its coming to PC
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