BreachLAN 16 - Feedback Response


The Crude One
Staff member
Good Day.

Everyone, this is the response to the feedback thread. Where we tell you what we thought of the event and what we have done in response to your feedback.

The first thing I would like to bring up as a response, is the location of the new hall. Some said that It's too far out of the way and theres no facilities nearby and that the Scout Hall was preferred.

I should start off by saying, that all BreachLAN's of 2011 will be held at the Logie Durno Hall.

The reason for the change in the first place, is that the Scout Hall let us down. They double booked their hall for the weekend we wanted it, and chose to give preferance to the other group. We were left with the choice of either trying to move the date, or change the venue. We opted to change the venue due to the fact that some people had already booked and paid for the LAN, including some booking time off work to do so.

The change of venue, was the lesser of two evils.

The internet connection was a first at Breach and is a big reason why we have comitted all 2011 BreachLAN's to the Logie Durno Hall. Dex arranged the line install and paid for the ADSL out of his own pocket for the LAN. And as a direct result of this, 90% of the issues we have had in the past with TF2, L4D, KF, all completely dissappeared. It also meant we could play Starcraft 2 with no hiccups or jury rigging the modem. This lead to a generally much smoother LAN for everybody.

The other main reason why the Logie Durno Hall is our choice in 2011, is that it is considerably cheaper. Almost half the price of the Scout Hall. This is something we have passed directly on to you, with the next LAN being a 72hr LAN for just £20. It also is the reason why we were able to do the lan as a freebie, an event which may be repeated in for Breach19 should there be enough income from B17 and B18 that it covers the expenses :)

There have been a few things said about the heat of the sleeping area. This is something I will hold my hands up for and say we got wrong. It was freezing at some times and totally baking at others. This though was caused by it being a new venue that we hadn't used before. The first night, we didnt know there was a problem until morning, and then it took us ten minutes to find the heating controls. Next time, we will pay more attention to monitoring the temperature in there and keeping it adjusted accordingly.

The seating planner not being followed was another complaint. The reason for this, is that as we expected, a lot of people didn't turn up. Six or seven people PM'd me on the DAY OF the LAN to say they couldnt make it any more. Setting up the final row would have left three rows with hardly anyone on each. It was much better to close the end row, and shrink it down to three. This required a re-jig of the plan on the day which was unfortunate. As far as I know however, everybody got to sit beside the people they wanted to, and there was enough free space for everyone to re-shuffle if they wanted.

The music is another thing. Since I introduced the idea of music at lans it has been a topic of fierce discussion with some people saying it's too loud at some events, and some saying it's too quiet at others. This time, the staff were sitting with our ears at subwoofer level, and the general concensus amongst us was that the volume was fine. But it's something that I say every time. If it's too loud late at night, or too quiet during the day, TELL ME. And I'l adjust accordingly. If I don't get any feedback as to what you think about the level, I have to assume it's ok as it is.

The problem is ultimately that it is background music. Nothing more. So I can't turn it up to a level where its background for the people furthest away, it would be far too loud for the people closest to the speakers. It is just background music at a LAN after all, not a rock gig.

The praise for the frag movies hasnt gone unnoticed as has the feedback that there was too much repetition. It was an idea that I literally hours before the LAN and the entire collection was built up in all of a few hours in the lead up to the event. In future, the collection will be much larger.

The power loss that occured was a Hydro Board problem that we have never experienced before. I personally must thank everybody for their patience while it was sorted out.

Something that wasn't commented on, but will be getting changed anyway is the Pizza Order. We have used domino's in the past, and as we did for B16. However, we had a few difficulties this time. For a start, despite my call two weeks before the LAN to let them know of our large order, arrange a special deal and arrange delivery outside of their normal delivery area, they had absolutely no knowledge of us whatsoever. We were left re-negotiating things right before we placed the order. They also then refused to deliver out to us (Despite me OK'ing it with the manager two weeks previously) resulting in significant disruption to my personal and Scott's evening while we went into the resteraunt in Aberdeen to collect it.

And, just nine days ago, Papa Johns opened their first resteraunt in Aberdeen.

For those of you who have been to an i-series, or been following our Hogmanay Party on Facebook, will know that we have a VERY high oppinion of Papa Johns. And Scott has already sorted us out with CHEAPER prices than Domino's, for Larger and infinately better pizza's. So from B17 onwards, Papa Johns is our preferred supplier.

That's all for now folks. If there's any questions or thoughts about what I've just posted then feel free to ask.



Active Member
Great news on Papa Johns. They really are outstanding pizzas. BL17 is going to be the best one yet... I can feel it!


Active Member
Dex, without that kind of scientific research, this world would be a far more dangerous place.... keep up the good fight against poor Pizzas.


Well-Known Member
Got a leaflet through the door the other day from them. Might give them a try since they probably deliver to my area as they are close.
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