BreachLAN Advice


The Crude One
Staff member
This thread be for suggestions from anyone who wants to give them about how to get the best possible experience from BreachLAN.

In order to maximize time spent gaming, and minimal time spent fannying around, here is all the official advice in one handy nugget.


1) Install and patch every multiplayer game you own.
2) Start all your games. Create your profiles / characters. Remap your controls etc etc.
3) Do your lanshop in advance. (See note 1)
4) Take plenty cash. (See note 2)
5) Certain games and patches will be available for download via DC++. Install DC++ and point it towards your directories where you keep your patches / files you are allowed to distribute. (See note 3)
6) Check our list of highly recommended LAN software. Make sure you have as much as you can. (See note 4)
7) Don't forget to take your Windows DVD's and your game discs. You might need them.


1) Get some sleep.
2) Try to eat proper meals and drink not just beer / red bull.
3) Don't go trying to tweak anything in your computer if its working just fine right now.

Note 1: The new venue is a little out of the way. The nearest supermarket is a ten minute drive away and is TOTALLY unsuitable for walking (No street lighting or pavement alongside a busy road) - Ideally, you should do your entire lanshop before the event. But if this is not possible, you should try hard to go on a supermarket run as soon as you can. And smokers, don't forget ciggarettes in your lanshop.

Note 2: Similar to the previous note, there is nothing nearby that accepts card payments. And the only place that accepts cash, is us. If you want to buy anything from our shop or the pizza run, you need cash.

Note 3: Only share directories that contain files you are legally allowed to share. DO NOT SHARE YOUR ENTIRE C:\ DRIVE. DO NOT SHARE YOUR "MY DOCUMENTS" FOLDER. Sharing your directories is entirely at your own risk. Don't cry to us if you accidentally make your....personal pictures available on the LAN. If you are in any doubt, don't share anything and ask for help.

Note 4: If you run into any difficulties, it will make the staff's job much easier if the software they need to help you is already on your PC. And it's useful stuff that you will probably use afterwards anyway.

Feel free to share your own advice and suggestions.


Active Member
If you are planning for a good amount of undisturbed sleep, I suggest taking some ear plugs. Things are still pretty loud all the way through the night (especially when Risk gets underway).


Can I respectably recommend Daemon Tools Lite instead if PowerISO :)

*sigh* guess will have to install AVG n stuff before I come then :p


Well-Known Member
Anyone one stupid enough to come to a lan party without any antivirus protection will be BANNED! Lol


The Crude One
Staff member
The idea behind the reccomendation of poweriso is that it doesnt come with an installer that chucks a lot of toolbars and other shit on your computer at the same time.

And if you already have Daemon then you dont need PowerISO as you already know what the software does.

And MadMan, I don't use any AV. I personally prefer to prevent the viruses getting on my computer in the first place rather than cleaning them up afterwards.


The idea behind the reccomendation of poweriso is that it doesnt come with an installer that chucks a lot of toolbars and other shit on your computer at the same time.

And if you already have Daemon then you dont need PowerISO as you already know what the software does.

And MadMan, I don't use any AV. I personally prefer to prevent the viruses getting on my computer in the first place rather than cleaning them up afterwards.


I generally never have any AV or Firewall installed/up, prefer to be pro and not get them in the first place. Do have a couple of Antivirus programes .exe on standby just incase though. Never got anything a quick boot in safe mode, run of one or two AV's and possibly a quick google could not fix though.

Will AV and firewall up for LAN if needed though :)


I'd recommend running Eset's Smart Security. You really don't notice it running at all unless theres a problem. It also doesent affect system performance much. It's awesome!


Well-Known Member
nice one m8 :) running your system without AV is like having sex without a condom and hoping she don't get preggers lol


The Crude One
Staff member
nice one m8 :) running your system without AV is like having sex without a condom and hoping she don't get preggers lol



So, I am needing some advice on the food side, is the a fridge we can use there? Any kitchen facilities we are allowed to use?

Feel free to say "omfg all answered in this thread here--->" then link me if I am asking previously answered questions :)


Thou Shalt Not Pass
So, I am needing some advice on the food side, is the a fridge we can use there? Any kitchen facilities we are allowed to use?

Feel free to say "omfg all answered in this thread here--->" then link me if I am asking previously answered questions :)

omfg most answered in this thread here--->

In honesty, I don't currently know about the fridge, but kettle/microwave are available


The Crude One
Staff member
There will be a microwave and tea urn for you to use whenever you want.

But there is no fridge space available whatsoever.
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