BreachLAN Documentry!

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Well-Known Member
BreachLAN Documentary!

Hey Guys , ive been thinking about doing a LAN Party documentry at breachlan and looking for people to interview!

If you are intrested then post and let me know! this will in return help the lan out. i will post the finnished product on a breachlan youtube account where all future breachlan related videos will go!

the video will containe game footage , lan footage and interviews with some bits and bobs.


Well-Known Member
Heres an idea, a David Attenborough voiceover but that would be post production

"Here we see the food supply for the gamers" (pan camera to huge mount of jolt etc..)


Well-Known Member
ok thats your job then jk .. could maybe do some parts like that lol. I want to do it like the i36 video.

Deep Blue

Staff member
I seem to have found my camera so I can help out with footage, it would be quite groovy to do another feature :)


It was bad enough being on the scotlan one :p So i shall have to get you to sign a NDA and not to film me in any way :p Need to be pixelated if there is a shot of me anywhere pls ;)



Well-Known Member
please help me by posting up questions i should ask if i do interviews.

how many lans have you been to?
what games do you play?


perhaps when you paid for the lan you agreed to let your image be used as we see fit.........

Don't see anything saying that on the website, you'll have to show where it is hiding ;)


just kidding of course, since i blend into the background easily :D


The Crude One
Staff member
Why did you go to the trouble of dismantling your PC and taking it here, when a broadband connection works fine?
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