tonight will be another awesome games night ladies and gentlemen.
we will be kicking of the night at 8pm so if everyone could be in mumble for 7:30 please.
The first game of the night will be the fabulous sniper elite v2 and after that we will move on to Tf2 or chivalry.
if you can think of anything else you would like to play then please let me know and i will try my hardest to make it happen. Bare in mind it must be a multiplayer game so we can all join in.
we will be kicking of the night at 8pm so if everyone could be in mumble for 7:30 please.
The first game of the night will be the fabulous sniper elite v2 and after that we will move on to Tf2 or chivalry.
if you can think of anything else you would like to play then please let me know and i will try my hardest to make it happen. Bare in mind it must be a multiplayer game so we can all join in.