BreachLAN26 - Showpiece - RED VS BLUE


The Crude One
Staff member

Ladies and Gents.

This LAN, our showpiece will be Red vs Blue.

Before the LAN we will randomly assign everybody to either team Red or team Blue. We will email everybody beforehand to let you know what team you are on. Yes this process is completely random, no you can't request to be on a specific team. Please don't ask to switch teams or to be on the same team as someone else. It will be denied.

During the LAN we will be running a large number of big organised games. Some are big team games where the entire team will be taking part. Some smaller games where you will be representing your team. The initial game list is as follows.
1) Team Fortress 2
2) Unreal Tournament 2k4
3) Chivalry: Medievil Warfare
4) Starcraft II - Heart of the Swarm
5) Killing Floor
6) Trackmania (Version undecided)
7) CS: Global Offensive
8) Flatout 2
9) Left 4 Dead 2 VS Mode
10) <<Insert rally game to be played on racewheel here>>

The game list is not limited to this. If at any time you want to play a game to score points for your team just let us know and we'll set it up.

The scoring for the games will go as follows.

Team Fortress 2 / Unreal Tournament 2004
  • Ten points for your team taking a round.
  • Five points for the team with the player with the most frags.
  • One point for every team member that participates.
Counter Strike : Global Offensive / Call of Duty 4
  • Two points for your team taking a round
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
  • Ten points for your team taking a round. (last team standing)
  • Five points for the team with the player with most frags.
  • One point for every team member that participates.
Left 4 Dead VS
  • 4 Reds vs 4 Blues - Winning team scores ten points.
Killing Floor
  • Two games will run side by side.
  • Fifteen points for the team that does best. Best being defined as most frags.
Starcraft II - Heart of the Swarm Tournament.
  • Fifteen points for your team if you take first place.
  • Ten points for your team if you take second place.
  • Five points for your team if you take third place.
  • One point for your team for participating.
Racing Games.
  • Five points for your team if you take first place in a race.
  • Three points for your team if you take second place in a race.
  • One point for your team if you take third place in a race.
Any other games.
  • If you want to play any other game for Red vs Blue points then just let BreachLAN staff know and we'll work out points for the game.
Outside of Video Games
  • Two points for your team if you wear a team colored shirt / tie / t-shirt / polo shirt on Saturday night.
  • Extra points may be awarded for good sportsmanship. (Helping the other team if someone has technical problems, needs to learn the rules of the game, gifting spare copies of games to let more people participate, etc etc).
  • Extra points may also be awarded for helping run games. This is a BIG competition running for the duration of the event across a huge number of games. It will require hosts of games to help us by taking on some responsibility to help it run smoothly. You can earn bonus points by helping us out with this.
  • Points may be forfeited from your team for making others lives difficult. (Forcing games to start before other team is ready, bad manners, excessive trash talk, generally being a twat etcetc)
BreachLAN Staff have the final say and their decision is final.
Any questions - Please ask. :)


is it the red ... and the blue ... had a ............... ???? ;)


The Crude One
Staff member
And they are up. Sorry about wall-o-text. Any questions of if there is something I've missed, give me a shout.


*looks disapprovingly*
You should announce the points outside of the games in the style of harry potter;


Also will people be able to see the score? or will that be hidden for suspense?


The Crude One
Staff member
Good questions.

I'l be keeping up with regular score updates and game announcements.

The scores will be up on the screens all the time for everybody to see.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, when will we know which team we're on? I'm only asking this because I have an awesome "costume" for one of the teams, and was wondering if it would be worth getting hold of another if it's the wrong colour ;). Otherwise I'm not too fussed, just eager :D
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