Buy your timecodes here


The Crude One
Staff member

Anyone needing timecodes can buy from there quite safely. They are a huge legitimate retailer of the codes.

The first time you buy one it can take like half an hour or so. They will phone you up and ask questions about the information you have provided. Essentially asking you to prove you arent using a stolen credit card.


The Crude One
Staff member
Yes, it does.

However, I prefer paying this way because unlike a subscription, they do not automatically renew.

Therefore if I make a balls up with my money, or a big expense comes along I havnt planned for I dont get screwed over by bank charges or anything.

I think the protection offered by pre-paying is worth it.

Deep Blue

Staff member
I have used this now, and can confirm that it's very secure. It may be more expensive than setting up a subscription, but the money goes straight into the Corp wallet!


Well-Known Member
What price are you paying for 60days from them in £ ? How fast is their service and what are their security like ?


The Crude One
Staff member
Totally 100% secure. If it is your first order it can take about 30 minutes, they will phone you up and ask about your order. After that as long as you dont try to order like 50 codes delivery is immediate to your inbox.

The other day I paid £22 each for 3 codes.

Plus dont forget, Breachlan makes a bit aswell when you buy from there using our link.


The Crude One
Staff member
Ok our link was killed due to inactivity.

I'm in the process of setting up a new account. But it takes a day or so to complete. We'll post the link up when it's live.


The Crude One
Staff member
Hows that for timing. Three hours ago the link came in.

Breach now earns 5% for any codes you buy from that link.

Go nuts :D.
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