Early Bird Offer


Ladies and Gentlemen

This is just a gentle reminder that there is only 9 days left of the early bird offer after this date prices for one of our super lans will increase to £30.

If you interested in coming to the LAN and you have friends that are interested please make sure you register with the Breachlan forums and you sign up for what will be an awesome weekend of fun and games.

See you all there

The Staff


Well ladies and gentlemen its reached that time where the early bird offer is now :

LAN tickets are still on sale and there are still plenty of seats left. Tickets will cost £30 which is still a bargin for what will be an awesome 72hrs of gaming and having fun. so please if you haven't booked your seat there is still plenty of time.
Also please remember that we do offer a food delivery service straight to your desk. Friday night will be the fabulous Ashvale order and the saturday will be our long time favourite Papa johns pizza. Both order forms can be found on our Web page or by clicking on the links below.
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