Bloodnok Well-Known Member May 12, 2009 #5 Note to self: don't stand less than 2-3 feet from a bicycle tyre as the innertube explodes due to fitting error Turned in to a WTF BOOM!!! moment I am now deaf in 1 ear (hope its temp...)
Note to self: don't stand less than 2-3 feet from a bicycle tyre as the innertube explodes due to fitting error Turned in to a WTF BOOM!!! moment I am now deaf in 1 ear (hope its temp...)
Skull Thou Shalt Not Pass Jun 16, 2009 #9 Ok, if the internet is broken, how did you post that there. and also: My windows 7 says there is nothing wrong with the internet. you must have a faulty copy
Ok, if the internet is broken, how did you post that there. and also: My windows 7 says there is nothing wrong with the internet. you must have a faulty copy
Bloodnok Well-Known Member Jun 17, 2009 #10 The router can't cope with packet spamming caused by windows 7, so a quick turn off/on fixed it (for now...)
The router can't cope with packet spamming caused by windows 7, so a quick turn off/on fixed it (for now...)
Skull Thou Shalt Not Pass Jun 25, 2009 #18 Oh rite, i thought i was going to sound dumb if i suggested l4d, its not a film...
Skull Thou Shalt Not Pass Jun 25, 2009 #20 Only cause the picture says "1336 zombies were harmed in the making of this Film"