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The Crude One
Staff member
Ive had three. All have failed epicly

Hell my 9800Pro from a few years ago didnt work with Windows XP. The bios on the graphics card was fucked and caused the computer to bomb out whenever I asked it to render a few pixels and stuff.

Never again ATi for me.

Deep Blue

Staff member
My 9700 pro would produce checkerboarding in Direct3d applications, like the lobby scene from 3dmark.

It would crash to desktop if I pressed escape in CS too

Poor drivers, nvidia have always worked for me first time


Well-Known Member
9800pro was one of the best cards I ever owned. Was always stable and the longest card I ever owned. It worked great right up until I upgraded.

Can't say I've had much problem with the ATi cards and they are more value for money atm than the nvidia cards.


Thats the thing some people have no problems with ATI.

But for every 1 ATI are great story, you will find 10 ATI problem stories.

If you get the card, good luck. I still recomend you go Nvidia though.


Well-Known Member
i went through 8 or 9 9800 Pros before i swapped back to nvidia....

Maybe it was a case of user error rather than the cards :p

What current card would people recommend then? (discounting £350+ specced crazy cards). Must be a good upgrade from an 8800gtx.


Maybe it was a case of user error rather than the cards :p

What current card would people recommend then? (discounting £350+ specced crazy cards). Must be a good upgrade from an 8800gtx.

In Sions case, I agree with you :p
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