Guitar Hero n Rock Band?

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Well-Known Member
Will there be Guitar Hero or Rockband at the LAN?

I got the virtuoso pack for gh3 and want to play it lan so will bring my hdd unless someone has already got that pack?

oh and does anyone have the full kit?


Well-Known Member
i just love playing the buckethead track - soothsayer

only on medium though lol... kinda moving to hard now.


Rock Band 2 with the Rock Band 1 songs and LOTS of downloads will be there and GH3 but I only have 1 GH guitar.

I think Dex may be bringing GHWT


Well-Known Member
I have GH3 with some downloaded songs. I was looking into getting Rockband but couldn't find it for 360 local. It looked better than the GH:World Tour


well the good news is that I have a metal pedal insted of the shitty plastic one.

Rules are though if you break a stick, you pay for a new set :p


Well-Known Member
how many do we want, we can set them up so we can have a system link if there are extra tvs. from my understanding there is only going to be a projector

if you get the 360 VGA cable then you can then hook your 360 upto your monitor!!!


Captain Hammer!!
there will be only one console/tv at one time, No more, if someone brings another 360 it will only be used if one fails.
To be honest, if the 360 fails, we do still have PC's for playing games, you know, the reason why people are coming in the first place.


guitar hero world tour instruments with rock band 2 (with rock band 1 songs imported) is the way forward. (y).

wouldn't dare take my instruments though as someone will no doubt find a way to break the drum kit.
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