Hello from Abdn Uni

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New Member
Hey all,

It's dubious that many people will mind on about me, but I've been to BreachLAN a couple of times before. Well, now I'm coming back, and as President of the Aberdeen University Gaming Society ("Athena"), I'm dragging a few new faces along with me.

Just thought I'd say "Hi", and if you see a Fireleaf, gonky, or sweeper128 about, they'd be the fresh faces I'm on about.

-- Sparky

Deep Blue

Staff member
Welcome welcome, you will need to set a correct Birthday on your forum profile as I will not be able to set you as paid otherwise, plus you will not be able to reserve seats :)

Once again thanks for the prompt payment!


New Member
Hey! I'm sweeper128, according to my username. This'll be my first LAN!

Quick question, stance on bringing a Vista PC to the LAN? I know that Vista is unstable and has as many bugs as the Elder Scrolls Bestuary, but my games all work fine at the moment running on Vista.

Deep Blue

Staff member
Hello sweeper!

I'm running a dual boot of Vista 64 and XP and in all honesty prefer XP, I have some interesting issues with sound card drivers!

Providing all your games will run on Vista and your hardware works then rock on:)

Welcome once again to the forums!
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