Deep Blue

Staff member

Legendary reliability, fab speed, not so good if you're a heavy user, excellent tech support, rolling one month contract :)

Oh and work pay for it :D


Pipex - Shit. Nuff' said. Been with them for over 7 years.

I'm moving to Be Unlimited when my exchange gets' LLU, which is the 31st of October if i remember right.


The Crude One
Staff member

Pretty good for the last 6 years but since the last 6 months they have been part of this new anti-piracy thing I dont want anything to do with them. The minnimum contract has run out so i'l be changing somepoint this week.

Tech support is good once you get past the frontline tech support guys. Once my broadband went down totally for about 4 days. Three of those days I spent explaining why my use of a Netgear router was not the fault and using the BT Home Hub would not fix the problem. Once I got it escalated though it was back on in a few hours. I would like to say though that that has been the only outage I have had while I have had broadband. I reckon 4 days downtime out of about 6 years aint too bad myself.

Either way, everyone should avoid them like the plague now they have this anti piracy deal in place.
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