It's the end of the world as we know it


Well-Known Member
My ISP Virgin Media (ex Telewest Blueyonder) are now possibly selling to an american company as they are not doing as good as they thought they would do , well the basterds took sky 1 off us so what the fuck do they expect lol.

I pray from above the american company is not AOL. LOL.


now i really am f*cked.... I(read my parents forced me to do it) just upgraded to pipexs 8mb witch tied me into a new 12 month contract....


Well-Known Member
lol nae luck - although if Tiscali change any of the terms of your contract there is a chance you can get out of it.

I'm just coming to the end of my 12 months when I upgraded to Max.


Well-Known Member
ohhh ya beuity!!! 20MB Broadband baby!!!!!!1111!!1111ONE!!!! :)

as you can tell ive just been upgraded to 20MB and im loving it lol.
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