Just throwing this out there...


The Crude One
Staff member
Hell yea.

I'd like to apologise for the way the recent GameWeek ended. I was distracted dealing with several big opportunities that have come my way recently and totally forgot to arrange another night. I know it's not an excuse but I really am sorry.

We can have the final two nights of GameWeek this coming Sunday and Monday nights, including RS:Vegas 2 (which was a popular vote) and potentially a night for DiRT3 and or some more StarcraftII custom gamery.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I'll be able to join in for Sun/Mon - new stuff coming Thursday but not sure if I will get the pc rebuilt before going away Friday.


Active Member
I'm up for SC2 and Vagas but I don't have dirt 3 yet so I'll have to pass on that. Any night is fine for me, except this Thurs/Sat.
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