Well i finally had a chance to give it a proper play yesterday, am definitely liking it, a good evolution of the concept.
Couldn't get any online matches going and found that if you get grabbed by a smoker when a wandering witch has locked onto you she'll just stand infront of you, arms spread ready to rip you in half.
When the smoker was killed i was instantly on the ground having my face removed, no knockdown animation or no brief pause before she let rip, was pretty funny!
Hoping the server connectivity issue has been resolved now though, wanna kick some online over the weekend
Can't say i'm massivly impressed with the AI, i've noticed alot of the time i'll be miles ahead of them (on clear sections) before they decide that i am indeed their leader and they play catch up.....then when they finally catch up they have a habit of standing around waiting again
Witch + smoker = lolz
AI != intelligent (one for the true geeks there

Server connectivity = teh ballZ0rs (yesterday anyway)