Michael Jackson Dead :O


Well-Known Member

WOW I am shocked!!! at just 50 years old and now its over...

I used to be a big fan when I was younger and still enjoy listening to his stuff now and then ... specialy Billie Jean at the night clubs.

This has the whole world going crazy on this situation.

Deep Blue

Staff member
I was shocked to hear of this, this morning :(

I really liked his stuff, used to listen to it alot with school friends, not so much these days though.


Michael Jackson Dead O

It was a great sorrow to me; I am big fan of him. Still I do not believe in, was it true or false. King of Rock "Michael Jackson" always with us and he can never die.


It was a great sorrow to me; I am big fan of him. Still I do not believe in, was it true or false. King of Rock "Michael Jackson" always with us and he can never die.

King of Pop. Sorry but the king of Rock (and Roll) was Elvis and always will be :p
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