Modern Warfare 2 will NOT have Dedicated Servers


The Crude One
Staff member
I read about this this morning. Alas I cant link to it (work filtering). Google it, its probably huge news across gamesites.

What do you think about this. It sounds like console pandering to me that will ruin online PC gaming. All servers will be provided by IW themselves but they will not be available from GSP's and connection will be through

I know I definately wont be buying this any more. The multiplayer was the best part of Modern Warfare and I HATE the idea of being held hostage to IW on the grounds that I might have pirated the game.

That is pretty much what the move is about. Defeating Piracy. But in this case they seem to have scuttled their own ship before going after good ship Pirate


The Crude One
Staff member
I'm not going to be going mad and all emo demanding stuff from Infinity Ward. We as consumers have no right to spam developers with hate mail demanding something they have chosen not to include.

We as consumers though DO have a greater right. The right to choose wheather or not we spend money with a particular company. And Infinity Ward can rest assured that they will not see any of my money spend on MW2.

Just to be clear, I'm not going to pirate it either. There are plenty of other producs available to me legitimately. I'l buy something else on Steam instead.

Nobody has any right to go all emo and cry about this. Nor in creating or signing petitions. It won't help anybody. (Since when has ANYONE caved into what an online petition has demanded)

What would be a far greater protest would be simply not buying the game. And it does seem like everyone so far will be choosing to do exactly this.

I can bet you though that the majority will either not know about this or not understand what a dedicated server is. And the game will sail to the top of the charts on both the X360 and the PC. In which case Infinity Ward / Activision make their money anyway and consider the change a success.

I'm also not trying to put anyone else off buying the game. If you think this would be an improvement, go ahead and buy the game. That is YOUR right as a consumer, to spend money on something you would like to buy. And nobody should try to force your hand otherwise.

I'm merely voicing my oppinion that I do not support the change and will not be buying the product as a result.

Original post edited to remove strong language. I guess I jumped upon the emo bandwagon myself before I had a chance to actually process the information. (it was like 6am and I hadn't had any coffee) :D


Captain Hammer!!
i'm still going to buy it.
the single player in the first one was epic, from what i've seen it will be even more so in the second, thats worth my money alone.
I'm sure if the multi player turns out to be horrible because of pings/lag as much as you are complaining about, they will fix it.


The Crude One
Staff member
Thats fair enough. The multiplayer is where it's at for me.

If you are looking for some SERIOUS lulz, head on over to the IW forums, or somethingawful.

On IW you can time how fast threads get deleted. And on that cesspool SomethingAwful I have never read so much uninformed drivel and ranting in my life.

I bet 9/10 of them dont even know what a dedicated server is.


Well-Known Member
so much for the clan gaming, modding etc...

btw if goes down, no one can play online...


to be honest gem has many valid points. But im a hardcore (as in a play way to much ... not the nooby mod :p) cod4 player, this is supposed to be the next big thing in the call of duty franchise,a lot of people dont even touch single player they only play it for multi player, i would do both but i wanted to play it for serious clan gaming. no dedi servers is going to be a monster blow.
its not as big an issue but moving from punkbuster to VAC???? the fuck is that about, cod has used pb for 7 years, its not that great tbh but i think vac is worse.
just voicing my opinion as gem says you have the right to do what the fuck you want.
if its going to take off in multi player ill buy it for pc, if not i guess ill have to get my xbox fixed ..... or buy a new one, sigh!!!!!


Thou Shalt Not Pass
I'm now having second thoughts about buying the game also.
Also, if it relies on to play, does that mean no LAN play if you don't have net access?

Deep Blue

Staff member
well... no dedicated server software = gimped lan party

P2P server hosting = at the mercy of the game hoster's naff third world internet connection, no more 64 man servers, more like 8-12 = lan party suckage :(

Moar killingfroor pwease! :D
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