Mumble Dead


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Hi Guys,

It seems this morning mumble has fallen over and died on us (the clients, not the server)

This seems to be an issue with a windows update & the digital signature / certificate that mumble uses - expiring that certificate.

I'm trying to see if there's a workaround we can use or if we have to wait for a new, signed copy.



Well-Known Member
It worked fine for me this morning and I've been logged in since. Will I still need to do this fix ?


Thou Shalt Not Pass
The fix will be needed for all as mumble broke when a certificate expired today, meaning that windows
will not let mumble launch.

The fix contains a new mumble.executive using a new certificate, which is valid. :)


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Potentially, however some people havent had any issues
Either way, all the zip contains is a new exe, you just replace the old mumble.exe with the one in the zip I linked
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