Mumble upgraded

Deep Blue

Staff member
Hi Guys

The mumble server was upgraded yesterday to the latest (1.2.4) version of mumble. This was to allow for the use of some new features including proper recording, priority speakers and a new channel layout.

I am just wondering what you guys think of the new channel layout as I think we can all agree it was getting a bit cluttered having a channel for every possible game we might ever play!

Your feedback is always welcome :)


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Just a note - the server is 1.2.4 but clients are still 1.2.3 (this is the latest version) - don't worry that your version doesn't match the servers!

Also, I've updated the connection details slightly - anyone still using the old details is fine, however it's now easier than ever to set up mumble - the server is and the port is default. All you need is the password!


Well-Known Member
I did till the LOL players decide not to bother making their own channel (which disappears after use) and use Dayz or what was lying about.

a bit cluttered having a channel for every possible game we might ever play!

A little tidy up could of cleared that up.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Aye, a habit of just dropping channels into the game area is not a bad one to get into :)


*looks disapprovingly*
also, we would like the priv's to move my brother between channels again....


u think the mumble is spot on , users just need to get in to the habit of moving into the channell that corresponds to the game they are playing at the time


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Yeah, just confirmed with Hexx today - Users have full ownership on a channel they create, so they can move others in/out of their own channel.

Also, as they have the correct flags on the ACL you can also rename it on the fly and do whatever with it - so you don't generally need to do loads of moving etc.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Nope, if the person who created the channel has gone off for the night the only thing that can really be done is make a new one and let the old one expire
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