Need Help - Lift Home from Airport


The Crude One
Staff member
Hi guys.

Sorry to have to ask, but due to a planning failure (not by me I must add) I no longer have a lift home available to me for when I get home from work this Wednesday.

My flight gets into the airport at about 19:45 if its on time and I dont have any luggage so I'm usually out fromt by 19:50.

If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it and owe you a favour.



Where's the destination after the airport as i might be in Aberdeen on Wednesday on a luckshot afterwork, but i warn that i may have an appointment that day so it will be tomorrow i can confirm. Also i come in from the Fraserburgh side so it might be a bit of a trek.


sorry, cant make it now. Big mess with the DVLA that i have to sort out so i wont be able to make it on Wednesday to Aberdeen. :s


The Crude One
Staff member
No problem.

I am still looking for some help with this. I would make sure and repay the kindness :)


The Crude One
Staff member
Bump again.

Please, anyone able to help me I would really appreciate it and owe a big favour.


Active Member
LMAO Dex, look at the last post. Do you really think Gemini is still sitting at the airport waiting for someone to pick him up????


Active Member
Ha was this the night that my ass got dragged out to the airport? Don't worry about gemini guys he always has me on speed dial for the crappy jobs. lol
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