our own in apple store!!!


Well-Known Member
lmfao well spotted kris im sure the 2 of them have been?

i want an apple store in dundee so i can get cheered through the door like that lol


Well-Known Member
Apple stores are rather crap. They sell way overpriced stuff. Their Ipod mains chargers for example.


Active Member
Much like a toilet this is shiny, white and littered with shit.


Still it's hard for me to laugh at apple too much since I have an ipod and an iphone. I'll admit their stuff is kind of overpriced but it works (for me) as opposed to all my other phones and mp3 players which last about 10 months.


Well-Known Member
Yup hands up lol . apple user :D - iPhone 3Gs 32Gb , 20Gb iPod, MacBook Pro Unibody lol


Thou Shalt Not Pass
I didn't see anyone coming out to meldrum to rescue me from school yesterday either! =P


Well-Known Member
did anyone notice the amount of hot chicks at the apple store? ;) im sorry but you wouldnt find as much at windows store lol
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