

New Member
Here's the few pics i took (right at the very end)

The staff - hard at work!

Pugger and ZeroG... doing... whatever it is they do...

Faramir and Rock Monkey - beating everyone at DoW (i'll get you next time!)

Olap (someone pls give him a monitor) and Elmo (the unloveable version)

Cheers for the memories guys... I pwn joo!


New Member
yay, my "no decent pics of ma at a LAN" streak is still up and running.

i've now managed to get through i26 and breachLAN with no decent pics of me!!!

|proud| :D


Captain Hammer!!


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Holy crap.
I didn't notice the date of the original post - I was wondering why the images weren't loading properly...
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