PS3 Controllers Running in Windows


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Right, before i start getting pointed at and called names for owning a ps3, can i ask that that is done not in this thread.

Right, with that out of the way i can post this link:
This guide does work, have just followed it, and it worked fine for me, am just setting up xpadder now.

i would recommend this to any other ps3 owners wishing to do the same as 360 owners by connecting their controllers to PC


You can ask....but it doesn't mean we will do it.... LOOK!!! A PS3 OWNER!!!! SHUN!!! SHUN!!!!


In all seriousness though, good find. The Dual Shock Controlers for the PS2 were fantastic. I haven't used the Sixaxis ones but if the responsiveness is anything like the dual shocks, this is a very useful find for PS3 owners. I am actually gonna pass this on to a couple I know.

Still Prefer the Xbox pads myself though :p
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