Rage against the machine for christmas no.1


Well-Known Member
If you hate x-factor and sick of always hearing an xfactor song at no1 for christmas then help out and buy and download the single "killing in the name" from RATM.

i got my copy from itunes tonight :) - hope it helps :)


Buy + Download from below.

iTUNES - 99p - track #2 (click on 'view in itunes' on the right)

PLAY.COM - 65p - it's the only track on the page

7DIGITAL - 50p - track #2

HMV.COM - 79p (careful - this is track #1)

TUNETRIBE - 49P - track #2 - LIVE version (yes it counts)
http://bit.ly/rage-tunetribe (Studio Version)

TESCO DIGITAL - 67p - track #2

WE7 - £1.07p - track #2


New Member
i heard about this from my works offical radio. even the reporter on the news section is voting for RATM even though i dont think they are aloud to be baisis :D


simon cowell owns or is a big something or other in sony music and rage against the machine are signed to sony. FAIL! it all started for hate of the xfactor so were just handing that assmunch double the money. buttttt it would be nice to see something other than the xfactor shite at no1 this year,


The Crude One
Staff member
They did it. Rage Won.

Although if you want some serious LOL, read the top 20 or so comments on the BBC's have your say section.

Nearly all of them go along the lines of "Brilliant news, shows them we arent sheep and have minds of our own"

I have a question for those people who wrote those comments and who voted them up the reccommended list.

"Would you like to buy some magic beans?"


Well-Known Member
its awsome news .... i knew we would do it! the facebook group was going ape shit buying mutiple copys lol


Active Member
Yeah since Cowell is a major Sony BMG share holder there was no "sticking it to the man" happening here whatsoever. Still nearly 80k was given to a homeless shelter because of this and xfactor was given the message not everyone likes their placid shit.

So all in all good times.
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