Seven weeks until BreachLAN 20.


The Crude One
Staff member
Hi everyone.

With just seven weeks to go, and already 12 people already signed up, I'm here to give you a quick status update as to what I've been planning for BreachLAN 20. That is, what I'm going to be setting up as extras to make your LAN experience and general atmosphere that bit better.

Firstly, as I've posted recently, the stage has a brand new centre piece thanks to SocksFoHands. This massively impressive telly is being put to good use. I've grabbed a capture card and I've been setting it up so we can have stream whatever is on the stage screen to the projectors and anyone else who wants to watch.

Secondly, I'm looking into once again doing a Rock Band / Guitar Hero tournament. Backed up by all my television screens, lights, speakers, microphones and smoke machines. This was awesome fun last time and can only be better. This isn't confirmed yet, so watch this space.

Thirdly, I've arranged to be able to borrow a friends UV floodlights for in the evenings. These powerful 400W Ultra Violet cannons will bathe the entire hall in a lovely reflective glow, to keep things going into the small hours. I can't quite stress how cool these things are.

And finally for now, I'm considering what options we have for other tournament games. Given the fact that this is a 72 hour LAN we have time to run loads of tournaments. I'm just about to start off the games list and tournament list threads so keep an eye out and let us know what you want.

Thanks for reading. :)


*looks disapprovingly*
We need a mic for the Xbox this time! last was great, but i couldn't remember the lyrics!


The Crude One
Staff member
We need a mic for the Xbox this time! last was great, but i couldn't remember the lyrics!

I quite agree coob. It's in hand :)

will there be a raffle at this lan

Depends. We had one at the last LAN because our stocks of random nik naks (and actual cool stuff) from sponsors got big enough that we were able to. I don't think there's anything left from last time, but we definitely can do another one, if we get the right stuff to give away.


Active Member
I quite agree coob. It's in hand :)

Depends. We had one at the last LAN because our stocks of random nik naks (and actual cool stuff) from sponsors got big enough that we were able to. I don't think there's anything left from last time, but we definitely can do another one, if we get the right stuff to give away.
​I've a feeling there will be a copy of win XP that someone would be willing to donate... :p


If theres a raffle im sure i could put something in, i'll need to know in the next 2/3 weeks though. making things takes aaaaaages :eek:


i have little toy bugs that vibrate across a flat surface (dont work on carpet :( ) made an awesome lego run for them at Gemini's and raced them :D

Deep Blue

Staff member
This I have to see :) On another note it's like 4 weeks to go and you guys should really be thinking about nominating or seconding some games on the list :)


The Crude One
Staff member
I'l be doing my next set of prep this Sunday. That will be the picking of the first wave of tournies and writing the first draft of the official games list.

Make sure pimp us out to anyone else you know that is into gaming. We need your support to keep going. Every new face is welcome.
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