Steam slashes price for L4D and L4D2



Imagine my sincere frustration and anger after buying left for dead and left for dead 2 via steam last night for £22.99 total to see today that they have slashed the prices to only

£4.41 for left for dead and

£5.09 for left for dead 2........

just a heads up in case some of you peeps going to the lan dont have these 2 titles like i didnt yesterday....

now for a nasty email to their customer services dept......


Thou Shalt Not Pass
If you have neither of them, get the bundle pack
currently £7.81 and you get both L4D and L4D2


Well-Known Member
can i buy these a 2nd time and have them sitting on my steam account ready to gift? i may have another steam getting setup soon for a 2nd pc im building and want these games for it!


The Crude One
Staff member
Once again, price slashed to 50% off.

Not sure entirely why they are doing this. Or for how long it will last. But these are strongly recommended.


Well-Known Member
They are both half price again as they are now released on the mac...

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