Team Fortress 2 - Half Price Until Friday! £6.99 on STEAM


New Member
I spent so long waiting for the update last night... I couldn't be bothered and now I have to wait until 9pm tonight to even attempt to get new weapons.

I don't think you can do that off-line either, at a LAN.

Deep Blue

Staff member
It is possible to restore a steam backup when you are at the party from someone's machine, but I would not rely on this.


Well-Known Member
Not really all you are doing is transfering data - the other person's account still has to have bought and registered the game to be able to play.


The Crude One
Staff member
VAC only bans for known cheats. Restoring from another persons account is not cheating.

I did however contact Steam support about this exact issue. I dont have the response right now (Work blocks Steampowered) but I will post it here once I get home tonight.

It basically goes along the lines of, "Creating a backup of your game for others to restore from is a breach of the Steam Subscriber Agreement and will result in account closure"

Apparently it is to prevent games for which a person does NOT own being restored/installed to their account.

I am well aware that is completely over the top, completely unecccessary and pointless anyway. As even if a person restores a game they dont have steam refuses to allow it to launch. I guess they are paranoid someone will find a workaround.

Either way, (very unfortunately) I have no intention of creating backups for others to use ever again. I guess I'm paranoid but I have spent over £2k on Steam Games and I have no intention of doing anything to put that in jeopardy.

I STRONGLY SUGGEST that anyone who is going to breachlan, ensures they have ALL their steam games installed and up to date AND STEAM RUNNING IN OFFLINE MORE before they packdown their computers for breachlan.


Well-Known Member
gemini said:
Either way, (very unfortunately) I have no intention of creating backups for others to use ever again. I guess I'm paranoid but I have spent over £2k on Steam Games and I have no intention of doing anything to put that in jeopardy.

2 grand on steam games??? :eek:

Lets just hope steam accounts never get hacked :/ I got a good bunch of paid games also.


Captain Hammer!!
yeah, even if you copy the steam cache, there still the chance that i might not work.
The best thing to do is be up to date.


The Crude One
Staff member

Hello Greg,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

Here is a way you can backup the files. Steam users can only play games that are registered to their account. Sharing your game copies with users who do not already have that game on their account is against the Steam User Agreement.

Title: Using the Steam Backup Feature

Title: Setting Steam to run at LAN events

If you have any further questions, please let us know.


Well-Known Member
I guess they are just covering their asses really since there's no way to use someone else's files to get the games for free. If someone did find a way I doubt people who would do it are going to be put off by user agreements etc.



How do I setup Steam for LAN events?


When preparing a LAN event, you should ensure that everyone bringing their own computer, updates the games to be played prior to arriving and sets their machines to run Steam in Offline mode.
In the event that players show up missing an update, you can copy the .gcf files associated with the game from one of the updated computers to the out-of-date computer.

^^ Interesting statement


Captain Hammer!!
not really, geminis just says that you cant copy games that you dont own.

If you own the game but just dont have the data, you can copy the data no problem, no breach of contract.


Well-Known Member
February 25, 2009 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Gameplay changes

  • Removed the damage reduction against non-stunned enemies on the new bat
  • Players with full health can now pick up dropped sandviches


  • Reverted the change that treated chat text starting with / as a command instead of passing it through as chat
  • Fixed a crash related to baseball impacts
  • Fixed the Heavy's hands disappearing when he's stunned while wearing the KGB
  • Fixed the BONK! particles appearing in the air when the bat's taunt kill is used on a target
  • Fixed Force-A-Nature description not fitting inside the item window
  • Fixed the Axtinguisher

just what we need right before the lan...
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