TF2 Tonight

Deep Blue

Staff member
Who fancies a spot of TF2 tonight?

Starting tonight around 8ish, please make sure you are connected to our voice server before hand :)

I reckon we'll probably be on there before 8pm, but if you're online early come along :)


Miss Bitch
I'll defo play......bearing in mind I am a noob and haven't really played this game to much so i'm not familiar with the be nice :)

Deep Blue

Staff member
I was chatting to him last night using in game, and he's a nice enough chap. I like the fact that we are attracting regulars to the server and we should do our best to keep them around cause we all know that a busy server = more fun :)

I know this is all in jest but, let's keep a friendly professional image :)


Miss Bitch
He was just to good at Spy for me........

Ofc it is great to attract regulars......just give the Piglet a chance lol

Deep Blue

Staff member
Thanks for coming last night guys, enjoyed it, the server seems to be getting "jump started" far easier these days :)


can we do tf2 night more often please last night was great dex also i noticed when we played some maps people logged off may i suggest a change in some of the maps although i dont know what as i dont care what maps we play lol


Miss Bitch
I agree Dod, more regular TF2 nights. They get everyone involved but get rid of the medieval map cuz that seems to put people off, including me i might add.

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