That was 2008


Well-Known Member
2008, Where did it go? the same way as the stockmarket and my wallet, to some its the number of Drummers at Beijing. To me, a major pc upgrade due to mobo going barmy in Feb, Bro got his own flat and 2nd new car in May... Left work (Somerfield) in Aug. Then to top it all of when I found out that the cat pissed on my laptop after I booted it up (no boom but the smell, CHRISTALLMIGHTY:eek:). Still works, took it the Gemini's LAN and it almosted Failed...

What will the next year apart from it won't be zavvi and Woolworthless, who knows, and I not doing what I did last year (getting my wow char pissed to high heaven)...

So Bring on 2009 with a Breachlan or 2 :D


Captain Hammer!!
The past year i built a new computer, and it has taken me about 9 months to sort the odd and rare problems it would have. Fingers crossed its fine now.
I went to Austrailia for my cousins wedding!! that was Epic!!
Went to Houston with work for 5 weeks, that was fun.

Next year:

i plan to travel a bit more, thinking about the big Comic Con in San Diego, also thinking about Japan. Anyone interested?
I'm thinking about moving out of my parents house and getting my own place or share with a mate, depends on the market and how much i can save :S
Game more :)
Hopefully breachlan is more stable and will have a few lans.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Japan, yes please :D (I Wish...)
Past year, also built a new pc, and came into S4 in academy. holidays, plenty down to england and then the october hols went out to houston, which was amazing (loads of sun)
Coming Year - Exams (Standard Grades)
hopefully get some more games, upgrade the pc
and also bring on the breachlans!!!
ta ta for 2008, Here comes 2009.



Well-Known Member
brung me lots of booze and lans :D , baught my first laptop not long ago..

I hope to payoff debt and buy a pc upgrade.
would love to see a live diggnation , goto quakecon! would be a dream to me :).
Also would like to loose some weight lol.
looking to run a few mini lans.


Well-Known Member
A trip to Japan sounds just the thing to do (or anywhere else for that matter).

/me goes to run that Learn Japanese files he leeched at a lan.
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