The iPhone OS 3.0 Software!



heh heh, just signed up for meebo !!!! cant wait for OS3.0 and my iPhone. If ever you were in doubt about getting an iPhone watch the link, but make sure you got 1hr 26 mins free to watch it. It will have you glued to the screen.


Well-Known Member
ye i watched the whole thing! , every update just gets better and better! i think apple are starting to listen to what customers want.


Captain Hammer!!
whats next? video recorder?

there was something on diggnation that its coming soon. maybe on a new hardware version. as the problem is with writing too much to the memory chips.

Even without bluetooth transfer and flash support(what do you really need that for?), its still the best phone i've ever had.
Most looking forward to push notifications and spotlight search.

Also o2 might offically let us tether the phone to a computer and use the 3g connection for internet access soon.
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