Treasure Hunt @ for Talk Like a Pirate Day


New Member
Gumpcom Treasure Hunt for International Speak Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy there!

Just thought I'd let you scallywags know, we're having an event over at for [International Talk Like a Pirate Day] on 19th September 2006.

It's a Treasure Hunt where you can win some shiney treasure...


A 512Mb USB 2 Drive and a Speedlink Thalia Headset.

The treasure hunt basically involves finding "Cap'n Gumpo's Treasure" - a specific image in an old forum. It's not as easy as it sounds - we have over 74,000 forum posts and you have to find ONE. But it will get easier as more clues become available :)

For more details, check the [Pirate Day forum post].

We will post out the prizes to the winner.

We will be on the Gumpcom Teamspeak server from around 6pm - make sure you are there!

We will be invading some CSS servers afterwards. Make sure you have your pirate sprays and nicknames at the ready.

pirate.gif - Scotland's #1 LAN Party Community. Shivermetimbers.
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