Updates from the LAN

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Well thats the first night over (for me anyway, the others are still going strong) and it's been great :D

TFC Was missed due to most people turning up late but we did have some Doomsday at 10 which went down well.

After that there was a marathon 3 hour session of CSS (Counter Strike....at breachlan.....the world is comming to an end)

Last I saw there was a fairly big game of source forts going on.

Now to get some sleep so I am rested and ready for all the fun and games organised for Saturday :D

Sakey signing off.


Twas a long night for 5 of us. After some random gaming we desided to play more CSS. Next thing we knew it was about 7am!!

Everyone's had at-least 2 hours of sleep bar myself, to much Jolt....

Any hoo, BF2 is commin up soon.
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