

Just bought this game and i think its better than dayz

steam currently has it for £9.89


if anyone else gets this im more than willing to team up and slice and dice some zombies and the odd survivor or two


Active Member
Honestly, based on my experience with this game, I'd say that you're much better waiting for the DayZ standalone to come out, Rocket is a lot more committed to his customers than the WarZ developers.

Deep Blue

Staff member
Honestly, based on my experience with this game, I'd say that you're much better waiting for the DayZ standalone to come out, Rocket is a lot more committed to his customers than the WarZ developers.

This already has loads of polish, the DayZ mod is still very very broken. What makes you think the WarZ developers don't care about their customers? I am not meaning to take apart your post, just curious :)

From what I see, it's a well priced product that looks like a lot of fun.

Edit: looking at steam system requirements, minimum spec graphics card required HD5850! Just out of interest Dod, how's it run on your rig?

Edit Edit: I've done a bit of googling and it doesn't sound pretty for WarZ but I would take a friend's recommendation over a review site any day :)

Final edit: Seems like a total pay to win pile of junk but again I would be keen to find out what other Breacher's thoughts are!


it runs on my machine with no problems what so ever and i have everything set to the highest quality with a screen res of 1920x1200

yes at the moment the game sucks in some parts as there are alot of hackers kicking about and making the game play suck a bit.
parts of the games are still to be fixed ie the private server button etc

if u want to pay to win then yes that is an option but everything you pay for you can find in game.

there are alot of game out there that when you google you will find that the company sucks or other bad things but to be honest i dont care i played there product all day yesterday and i reallly enjoyed myself and thats why i reccomended it.

we all play air buccaneers and other games owned by terrible companys but its not about them its about what they produce.

ive done my reserch and at the moment WARZ gets 150,000 players active in a day and currently has 700,000 active accounts registered

Hammerpoint Interactive was formed in 2011 by a team of experienced developers looking to create a fresh experience in the online, multiplayer arena. Having worked with large publishers, such as Electronic Arts and Activision, as well as on multiplayer games, such as World of Tanks, the team possesses the knowledge and skill to create multiplayer games that appeal to both hardcore and mainstream gamers. The company is backed and financed by Arktos Entertainment Group.


*looks disapprovingly*
i will be purchasing this as a reward for finishing my half year at college (big exam/test thursday :p)

Edit; The other GPU in the minimun req is mine :eek: lets see how it runs XD


i have seen the game and while being a bit buggy its in fairly good shape

however the devs are being very aggresive
ive seem multiple stories of people gettting perma-banned for mentioning the hacker problem
so as long as we dont annoy the devs well be fine :)


*looks disapprovingly*
I'm counfused... Is there one big map or multipul like the description said there was? Also what's the hardcore mode like?


at the moment they have only released 1 map which is fairly big and i have also played hardcore mode and died very quickly lol


Active Member
"No longer purchasable through Steam."

"sergey go home you are drunk"

I have stayed out of this mostly because if you want to play it whatever but I would heed the advice of the angry Redditors. You can also apparently get a full refund[1].

*[1] "The War Z No Longer Purchasable Through Steam" http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/154bur/the_war_z_no_longer_purchasable_through_steam/


Active Member
I'd like to point out that Sergey Titov was also the mastermind behind Big Rigs Over the Road Racing (seriously, look up reviews for it, you'll find a lot of broken prromises). Having been playing WarZ since near enough day 1 of public alpha release, I can honestly say that I've never been as disappointed in a company before. They've been openly lying about what has been released, then going back to cover their tracks by claiming it was misinterpreted by their marketing team (Which I highly doubt as Sergey has been known to bullshit before). They've been banning people at random (They recently claimed they banned 2000 known hackers, 5% of which were wrong bans, I'd say closer to 50%, all of the incorrect bans were people who had over 100-200 hours played of the game so would be likely to repurchase to play more). They refuse to refund anyone who has played over 15 minutes, regardless of if your game crashes after said 15 minutes constantly (not sure if it's legal or not, still looking into this one). One of their ex-mods revealed a lot of their plans for development and how they would go about doing things (including the whole thing of banning people at random with a lot of hours played, which has proven to be truthful thus far). I honestly think WarZ is going to turn out to be a massive scam, and unfortunately I'm not likely to receive a refund. I'd highly recommend requesting a refund through steam if you purchased through there as honestly, the game isn't likely to get good any time soon.


Adding in some links on various things.

Controversy timeline thus far: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/155cmf/the_warz_controversy_explanation_and_full_timeline/

Ex-Mod Devin's revelations of plans:

They took the LoL Terms and conditions and altered them:

WarZ Developers cheating in game:
(I'd highly recommend checking out Rhinocrunches other videos on WarZ, he knows what he's on about).

Deep Blue

Staff member
I just do not agree with the level of cover up that is going on, negative comments / reviews should be addressed properly and not swept under the carpet. Sad times as I was looking forward to this too!


Active Member
Indeed, originally it looked promising and some decent competition for DayZ, so because of competition they'd both strive to be better than the other and both turn into excellent games, as it turns out, WarZ seems to pretty much be a scam, I feel for the development team themselves as I know one or two of them have already stated that they'd have rather not released the game in it's current state and wouldn't have likely released any form of playable version until summertime, it seems to mostly be Sergey and the Executives that are causing the crap.


*looks disapprovingly*
Big rigs was halariously bad lol.

I played it ages ago... they apperntly couldnt be arsed putting in the solid collisions for bridges (AKA you went down the hill and up the next straight through bridge) tons of other things as well.
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