What a surprise! (not)

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Lol, the fall of origin in Germany so soon. Lets hope it spreads accross europe. We may get BF3 on steam after all (not jumping the gun at all)!


Active Member
I find it funny. I have absolutely no sympathy for them whatsoever. It's common knowledge that origin is basically spyware with a store front and they chose to give EA their money anyway and encourage the practice. They made their bed now they can shut up and lie in it.

It saddens me that so many gamers are willing to throw their consumer rights to the winds for the instant gratification of a shiny new toy.


And what a shiny new toy it is! If I wasnt having to save money I would have made my bed and made dirty dirty love to origin until I couldnt move and wouldnt be thinking of consumer rights. I would like to keep all my games on steam though.


well its only a mater of time before it spreads to other countries lol its hard to not go with origin especially when they are the only ones that have the game lol


Active Member
I've been sleeping in that dirty bed for ages and I'm loving it. The sex is great I might add.
At the end of the day, I don't use pirated games so EA have nothing on me.


Active Member
Just because I have nothing to hide it doesn't mean I'm happy for people to go rummaging through my stuff.

However I do realise the consumer rights ship has well and truly sailed at this point. The games already sold what? 3 Million copies? The gaming community has sent the message loud and clear that we'll put up with anything for a fancy enough game.


Origin is only on the PC and the sales figures are accross all platforms (mainly xbox probably). I would like to know how well they are doing on the PC front. If Germany decide that the ULA for origin does infringe peoples rights and bans it then you can bet the rest of europe will do the same.


Active Member
Personally I don't see it happening. Or rather what's going to happen already has. A slight re-wording of the EULA and no actual change in practices. The legal will to actually force them to remove the spyware doesn't exist, and gamers aren't going to do the only thing that would make them change their mind, i.e. a boycott.

Prepare for things to stay the same lads. But fair play to the people who are happy with it, if you are going into this agreement knowing what it is and are fine with it anyway, then it's all good.


The Crude One
Staff member

t's almost like those sour krauts didn't read the EULA they signed up to which gives EA permission to do exactly this! You can't really complain about them doing something you explicitly gave them permission to do now can you?

Local Law > EULA's

If the EULA demanded that you assassinate your future children, it wouldn't matter. Local law always takes precedence over contracts and I don't see why other people don't understand this.

If they decide that Origin violates German law and that the program is illegal, then it will either be banned, or EA will be forced to modify it to comply with the law.

Origin users can not argue that it's OK because they consented to it. In the same way that a drug user can not argue because consented to taking drugs.

I'm impressed with the German government for doing something. Why isn't our government doing the same thing? Probably because our government is usually on the side of massive data security breaches rather than the protecting side.

Ames, just because you are doing nothing wrong is no reason to allow the stuff that Origin does? The "If you are doing wrong you have nothing to fear" or "I don't have anything to hide" arguments are arguments for a 100% surveillance state. Where you don't object to a state owned CCTV camera in your front room, because only the people doing something wrong have something to hide.


Active Member
Local Law > EULA's

I am aware of this. Chances are our government isn't doing anything because what they're doing isn't illegal here, your example is far more extreme than the situation we're dealing with. It is perfectly legal for us to consent for data to be collected about us and given to third parties, we do it more or less every day.

The fact is EA seem to think a re-wording will get them round this and they're probably right. Even if they're not this domino effect of laws sweeping across Europe seems like a fantasy to me, it doesn't work that way. Just because Germany or France or Sweden thinks something is illegal that has absolutely no bearing on how other nations judiciary may or may not feel about it.

I'm reminded of the stink that was kicked up a while back when the Germans found the google street view cars were swiping peoples wifi data. The Germans were the only people to bring any legal action against google even though in that case what they were doing was illegal in most of Europe.

Deep Blue

Staff member
your argument for state owned cctv in your front room is all well and good but if you were burgled or mugged down town or there was a dispute over who was at fault in a car prang you would be straight down the cop shop asking for the cctv!

none of you have seen what its like in africa and let me tell you something we are so lucky to have all these luxuries. the freedom of movement and a fair judicial system. africa lacks this!

so what with ea this is nothing new, badly coded games that are pushed out the door in beta which are overpriced. i think ill pass :)


I think our government has more important things to deal with than the Origin ULA. When the financial Apocalypse happens and we are all living out of boxes eating road kill we won’t care about BF3 anymore.

When you think that most gamers dont care why should anyone who doesnt play games.


Active Member
Pretty much what I've been saying all along. The only way to send a message to EA on this would be to vote with your wallet. But considering this game is selling like pudding that cures cancer, I'm not holding out much hope that EA will see the error of their ways.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Pretty much what I've been saying all along. The only way to send a message to EA on this would be to vote with your wallet. But considering this game is selling like pudding that cures cancer, I'm not holding out much hope that EA will see the error of their ways.

Even if it wasn't selling so well, do you really think EA would care if they lost out on PC sales?
With the way development has been going recently, it's starting to become pretty obvious which platforms they make the most money from, and seeing as the consoles are unaffected by Origin, they have no reason not to buy the game, meaning more lining for the inside of EA's pocket.


Exactly. Lets all buy BF3 then and stop complaining. Pay day on Tuesday so I can jump into that filthy bed and get some real action. Your all welcome to join in too, what a whore origin is!


Active Member
Yes, I do think they would care about lost PC sales. They're in the business of making and selling PC games, assuming they don't care about PC games sales seems to be a massive leap of logic. Considering origin is a PC only platform a sharp drop in PC sales would encourage them the make changes to it despite the success of console sales. Remember the problem here is not with BF3, it's with the origin platform that is forced on you along with it.

I will not be buying BF3 or any other EA PC game, not now, not ever, until they remove the spyware from the origin platform. It is not necessary for them to have this level of information on their customers just so they can fulfil some marketing wet dream. I must say I find this culture many companies are building of hoarding personal information about their customers on the basis they can make some profit on it down the line very disturbing.


is it just me or is this thread going round in circles its always gonna have its pros and cons and every player is different

i vote for the thread to be locked
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