Windows Update restart prompt- Must Have Windows Hack :) -


Well-Known Member
You know when your sitting there doing your web browsing or gaming and you get a windows update in and it updates then asks you to restart like every fucking 5 mins? LOL well i found a hack! here it is lol.

The best I can find is delaying the next prompt popup for 24 hours:

Run regedit

In [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU]

Edit > New > DWORD:
"RebootRelaunchTimeoutEnabled" with a value of "1"

Edit > New > DWORD:
"RebootRelaunchTimeout" with a value of the time in minutes until the next prompt. "1440" (24 hours) looks like the max. If you input "0" for this DWORD or the former, it will default to 10.

Hope you enjoy this hack lol.


Well-Known Member
if the top option never worked for you then try this one . it worked for me :)

Now, to get rid of it:
Start / Run / gpedit.msc / Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update / Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations

You can configure how often it will nag you (I re-configured it for 720 minutes, which means I’ll be asked twice on a work day), or completely disable it.

Oh, I almost forgot: this setting is only loaded when Windows starts, so a reboot is needed. If that stupid dialog is on your screen now, just stop the “Automatic Updates” service (but keep it as Automatic, so it gets reloaded on the next start) and you won’t see it again.
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