Xbox 360 has died...


Well-Known Member
Damn you Microsoft, and its not even a year old (6 days away)....

Lucky for me I insured it aswell so no Prism, hands off!!!

Note: it wasn't even a red ring off death, its the omgwtf no video BS


Well-Known Member
Can i just say dave if you try and break it to the point it wont power on and then go online and fill up the forum as if its a red ring of death and send it off you will get a new console returned to you in just over a week.

The repair centre is in germany and they dont even cheak it , they just take it and then just automaticly send you out a new one.

my m8 has done it twice and my brother once and each time they just send out a new one :)


Well-Known Member
I would send it to Germany but since its got Game's 12 month cover, Im taking it there in the morning and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
that I do, shame its the shop on union street.... not going to be fun carrying the console to and from college street car park...
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