Please allow me to introduce myself....I'm a man of wealth and taste?


New Member
Hi all,

Just here to introduce myself and say hello to everyone.

I'm Potty, 32, IT worker and generally good guy

Been gaming since an Atari 2600 was introduced into the household when I was a young pup and it's been downhill ever since. :p

Play across all platforms and genres and my steam account has far too many games to be counted as healthy.

Was introduced to the site via my fellow co-worker Deep Blue and shall be attending my first LAN event with Breach LAN #27 so looking forward to getting to meet some new faces at the Lan and meeting up online.


welcome dude your gonna here some weird things about me but its all lies lies lies lies lies lies

im a good guy honestly :bart:

Deep Blue

Staff member
Hey dude, glad you could make it! To comment on the subject of this thread, you've definitely got good taste :)


Welcome to the nut farm. We have tasty treats*.

*Warning: Treats may contain poison or drugs. There is no guarantee the drugs are the good kind., it's a bit of pot luck.


Miss Bitch
Hello and welcome to what is indeed, as already stated, the nut house, i'm sure you'll fit in just fine :p
I'm Piglet, the least insane of the bunch and keeper of the keys for DeepBlue's shackles ^_^

Look forward to meeting you


New Member
Thanks, be good seeing you all at the LAN.
Am Usually found playing all sorts tbh.
Everything from Civ, GTA, WOW, Battlefield, COD, L4D, Elder Scrolls, Company of Heroes & Diablo to name a few.
That and whatever's on the Steam sale :p
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