Recent content by NiceGuy

  1. NiceGuy


  2. NiceGuy


    Well it's that time of year again where I beg for a lift to iseries haha any of you lads going and have a spare seat? much appreciated as always, thanks.
  3. NiceGuy

    I'm going to i42

    would buy you a beer dex but can't go without a lift back, anyone else going i42 that could give me a lift back?
  4. NiceGuy

    I'm going to i42

    oh right, well never mind then. Thank you anyway :) x
  5. NiceGuy

    I'm going to i42

    Yo dex! Could I go down with you? Will contribute petrol money of course :D Get back to me cheers!
  6. NiceGuy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    hehe some great photos you got guys :) and of course keeping up with tradition a picture of me catching some Z'z in the back seat =D Thanks again to everyone, especially the drivers! I had a totally awesome time! Managed to reach a personal goal of mine to place top10 at iseries for CSS. I...
  7. NiceGuy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    hey gemini is there space for me again? :D
  8. NiceGuy

    i38 Thread

    Awesome! Thanks so much Gemini! I have bought my ticket now + EAS. I live in a village called Kemnay. I could ask my father to give me a lift to anywhere more convenient for example bridge of don (is that where you stay?) Also could you please email me the i-series budget write ups you did...
  9. NiceGuy

    i38 Thread

    Where did the i38 thread go? Anyway, Gemini I have tried to phone you a few times but I'm guessing your offshore. I was hoping to just confirm one final time that I can get a lift with you before I buy my ticket :D Waiting on your reply///
  10. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    So is it safe to buy my ticket? Can i go with you guys?
  11. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    That would be GREAT!! Thank you!!!!!
  12. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    can i please come down you with you guys again this time?? I know i cant be in the breachLAN team for the tournaments but i can have fun regardless..and still help with spreading the overall costs :D Please can i come!!? Need to know so i can book early bird :D
  13. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    Its the competitve CSS team tournament im interested in. It's a quite a scene. Anyone can take me down again? <3 <3
  14. NiceGuy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    is there any space for me again?? I'm dying to go LAN again!
  15. NiceGuy

    i37 7th-20th August

    gemini what about getting down their can i hitch a ride?? Or are you also flying :/
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