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  1. K


    Want to buy an Astra? Only had a couple knocks to the front, rear and sides. Mechanically its fine, the stereo doesn't work but if you use your imagination you can make the various knocks and clunks into a funky rhythm. Sometimes hesitant to turn left, loves turning right. Can't stay in gear...
  2. K


    I would love to go to this, but money is very tight for me at the moment. I won't be able to make it.
  3. K

    [May 25, 2014] Airsoft (battle grounds paintball)

    I will be, assuming I could get flukes M4 again or the rental?
  4. K

    We're almost there

    I am eager to get into a long weekend of gaming!
  5. K

    [May 25, 2014] Airsoft (battle grounds paintball)

    Get some pics up !
  6. K

    uPlay Hacked (Change your Passwords!)

    uFail I hate ubisoft
  7. K

    Starcraft II Tournament - Dr Zerglove (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Baneling Bust)

    I would like to participate. Race: Zerg Skill: s-silver edit: Gold now!
  8. K

    [May 25, 2014] Airsoft (battle grounds paintball)

    I won't have enough cash to buy a gun and everything I need for it until the 18th. Might be able to get it for that weekend if I order early on Thursday morning and get first class delivery. Shame, any ideas on where to get some weapons?
  9. K

    [May 25, 2014] Airsoft (battle grounds paintball)

    Ah crap really? I've got everything except a gun :(
  10. K

    cheap sniper

    Are you sure thats what would be wrong with the rifle that you get? It might be something else that is more difficult/expensive to fix.
  11. K

    [May 25, 2014] Airsoft (battle grounds paintball)

    ZeroG, are you booking the rental equipment again?
  12. K

    Dirt 3 CD-Key issues

    No worries, it had me stumped for ages trying to get it working but I assumed it would be updated with the game.
  13. K

    Dirt 3 CD-Key issues

    Make sure that Games for Windows Live is up to date. Steam or Windows doesn't seem to update it automatically. I had a problem getting it started on Windows 8 too but that fixed it.
  14. K

    Sniping Goodness

    Thats quite a good deal then, post some pics when it arrives!
  15. K

    Sniping Goodness

    You guys should have waited a couple weeks so you didn't have to get two-tone.
  16. K


    Happy birthday bruv!
  17. K

    Question & Answer Thread

    This guy does a great job of explaining everything, very clear and informative.
  18. K

    Airsoft V2.0

  19. K

    Airsoft V2.0

    I'll come, I'll need rental equipment.
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